Clinical Director

Team Lead

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Clinical Management

Jayne has been a clinician for over 30 years, and a Director of the clinic for 10 years, she works as the Clinical Director, no longer treating patients of her own, but spending her time running the clinical side of Manor Clinic with regard to the education and collaborative working with her team of physiotherapists.

She works to fulfil the clinic’s reason for being, “Restore, Maintain and Enhance” and in this she continues to develop the excellence of the physiotherapy team and the clinic as a whole."


MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine

BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy

Past Employment:

2013-Present Clinic Director and Team Lead at Manor Clinic

1998-2013 Clinic Lead, Lower Limb Team DMRC Headley Court (Ministry of Defence Rehab)

Officer in The Reserve Forces 1999-2013

1999-2003 Kings College Hospital MSK Physiotherapy

1994-1999 Various NHS Trusts in South and East London

Winston Churchill Fellow 2010

Working Background:

Jayne works as a Clinical Lead, teaching and mentoring the team at Sevenoaks Physiotherapy.

Jayne has special interests in Lower Limb injuries, Exercise for Rehabilitation, Sports Injuries and Advanced Biomechanics. With a team working approach to lower limb biomechanics and movement analysis, she has worked in rehabilitation aimed at running and walking gait and has developed a speciality in Hip and Groin pain as well as Tendinopathy and Trauma/Amputees.

Jayne works in a holistic way to problem solve using the whole of the kinetic chain to obtain positive results. Jayne works with complex cases in the lower limb, from Trauma to post-surgical hips and knees and feet that are more complex.